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    길스토리 소식

Gilstory team are leaving to Samar Island in Philippines tonight.

Team Gilstory  |  2014-02-12 09:38:23

Hello. We are Team Gilstory.


Finally, we are leaving to Samar Island in Philippines tonight.

Gilstory team will do volunteer work in east Samar, Guiuan Sapao village

with Philippines local team until February 18th.


We chose the relief goods on the base of the research that what damaged district needed most.

We are planning to rebuild 300 damaged houses, one Primary School and one Child care Center.

It is urgent to put the roof back on the houses.


We are going to give tin roofs, building tools (saw, hammer, nails etc. ),

rice and some food to 2000 residents.

We decided not to use relief kit box and bags.

Instead, we will use the water bottles to contain the food.

We putted the name stickers(sponsor"s named) on the water bottles and will give them out.

So that your warm heart can be brought to Philippines damaged places due to Typhoon.

Thank you.


12 FEB 2014
Team Gilstory

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