무한한 가능성에 도전하라
Challenge for the Unlimited Possibilities, CUP Campaign
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      On the 13th of November, a member of our own Gilstory residing in Western Samar of the Philippines posted a request for prayers for the Philippines, and it moved us all.
      Those suffering from the typhoon may be our friends of Gilstory.
      Gilstory shares "our hearts", modest yet grand.
      ■ When : December 9, 2013~ January 17, 2014 (40 days)

      ■ How
      Crowdfunding through WADIZ.
      Please click "donation" below to proceed to your donation process.

      ※ Crowdfunding is the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money,
      in support of a wide variety of activities, including disaster relief.
      WADIZ, a global crowdfunding company, is in affiliation with Gilstory
      and have decided to donate their commission to the relief program.

      ※ For more information about how to donate, please click the following links.